Sunday, June 19, 2011

Father’s Day Thoughts on Politics

Romney's still way in the lead among GOP candidates – about 33% among GOP voters – but the biggest upward leap after the second candidates debate was for Bachmann, who’s now at about 19, with every other declared GOP candidate in single digits or so. 

It may have been shallow things like her mention of her numerous children or her confident tone of voice that caused the bump – or just the fact that she isn’t Sarah Palin (whose wearing of a Star of David necklace when she visited NYC recently may have partly made up for what some saw as her clumsy use of a “blood libel” metaphor but still left her seeming clearly a shiksa).  Regardless, it wouldn’t be such bad timing to have the official head of the House’s Tea Party Caucus as the Republican nomine, or v.p. candidate.  Bachmann really sounded noticeably more alert than most of the others, I gotta say, though that doesn’t necessarily mean she – or any of them – are fully sane.  She mentioned libertarians in a positive way and said the ’12 race should be about econ instead of culture, which helps, even if it’s not quite as reassuring as Mitch Daniels’ “truce” talk.

(I mean, I’d prefer Gary Johnson or Ron Paul, don’t get me wrong, but they’re both down in the single digits with almost all the others, so it seems like it’ll be Romney, Bachmann, or someone not yet officially in the race, such as Perry, Palin, or Christie.)

We could do worse than having a president who thinks his or her numerous grandkids need spending cuts and deregulation to assure their futures rather than more spending and scheming by the likes of Obama.


One man who is not impressed by children, though – and likely would not be impressed by their attempts to draw their own Father’s Day cards – is the comedic pro-male writer Maddox, who sets out in his new book and website to demonstrate that his artwork is better than that of your children, or as he puts it, I Am Better Than Your Kids.

In North Carolina years ago, the solution to your lame kids might well have been eugenics, as Diana Fleischman points out to me.  No one will deny that troubled state needs particular help, and Diana herself is fleeing from it to England – but not without stopping in NYC on Bastille Day (7:30pm, Lolita Bar) to speak at the event called That Which Roasts Todd Seavey Makes Him Stronger.  Join us.

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