Saturday, October 11, 2008

Death Be Not Proud

I read a list of bizarre celebrity deaths, and I think the three oddest, by my standards, may be those of Isadora Duncan (strangled when her scarf was caught in the wheel of a moving car), author Sherwood Anderson (infection resulting from swallowing a toothpick), and perhaps oddest of all Tennessee Williams (choked on an accidentally-swallowed eye or nasal spray cap in the early 80s, though he may well have been on drugs and booze at the time and thus greatly weakened already).

In a celebrity death of a different sort, Newsarama recounts the numerous times Superman’s father has passed away.

1 comment:

Gerard said...

It wasn’t particularly unusual in circumstance, or unexpected, but you have to think Norman Mailer was more than a bit pissed off when he realized he would predecease Gore Vidal.